Salesforce DX tool for development is here (Winter 18 update)

Note: If you haven't gone through the previous blog, then please check it by clicking here to be aware of the ForceCode extension which is now deprecated by Salesforce DX.

Salesforce DX  tool for Developer is available in beta:

Salesforce DX which means developer experience is not officially released tool currently, But it is now started to show his power by deprecating the existing tool available in the market (ForceCode)"I have already written a blog related to forceCode, If you want to know about it then do check it here". Salesforce DX has already deprecated the Force Code extension package but still, it is not available as a stable version in the market. Salesforce is not doing an official announcement for the release of this developer tool which is only made for "Visual Studio Code".

How Does Salesforce DX Work :

Although ForceCode plugin was made for development, still it was having an issue with the version check of the server, local and refreshing a single file refreshes all the project, also there was many more issue standing on that plugin. you can check the list of the issue here.

Let's come to point about how Salesforce DX can be used by developers, to use Salesforce DX , you need to have Dev Hub org.

Manage Your Scratch Orgs with Developer Hub

You need to set your project on your local machine and use the Developer Hub to manage you Salesforce scratch orgs(create, delete). After setting up the project into your local machine, authorize the Dev Hub org using Salesforce CLI.

You need to choose any paid org to start with the salesforce DX. If you want to get the taste of Salesforce DX and practice it outside you Production org, you need to sign up for a dev hub trail org, it will expire after 30 days from the date of sign up, but it will give you enough time to complete the badge of trailhead and for practicing with it.

To Practice Salesforce DX, you should try this badge Get Started with Salesforce DX trail.

Build Faster with Salesforce Developer Tools for Visual Studio Code

Let me introduce you with the Salesforce Developer tool for Visual Studio Code.

So, Salesforce Developer tool is an open-source plugin/extension (cool!!) for visual studio code, that includes bunch of tools for developing on platform. 

But, where is the role of Salesforce Developer Experience (DX)?

Here, Salesforce Developer tool uses the Salesforce DX develpment flow environment in lightweight and extensible VS code editor. These tools gives features for working with the scratch orgs, Apex, Visualforce and Lightning.

The extensions in the salesforcedx-vscode extension pack include:

This extension interacts with the Salesforce CLI to provide basic Salesforce DX functionality.

This extension uses the Apex Language Server to provide features such as syntax highlighting and code completion.

This extension supports Lightning component bundles. It uses the HTML language server from VS Code.

This extension supports Visualforce pages and components. It uses the HTML language server from VS Code.

source and references: Salesforce 18 winter release

This is all about Salesforce DX. What you guys think about this tool?
Is it a perfect one or will it be not good for development in comparison to ForceCode.
Let me know into the comment section.

Do you have any question related to this post ... Let's jump into the comment section.

Salesforce DX tool for development is here (Winter 18 update) Salesforce DX tool for development is here (Winter 18 update) Reviewed by Tarique Shamim on October 01, 2017 Rating: 5

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